Goat’s milk has made a name for itself in our diets, and is gradually becoming a fashionable part of our daily cosmetics routines. And it’s easy to see why… Packed with vitamins and ultra-moisturizing, it’s a beauty ally for all skin types. But what form should you use it in, which one should you choose, and what exactly are the many benefits of goat’s milk soap? This way, we take you to discover its great secrets 😉
Goat’s milk soap: what, how and why?
Like all other soaps, goat’s milk soap is produced using the famous saponification process. The big difference with conventional soap is that the water normally used to make soap is replaced by goat’s milk, making the product ultra-soft and creamy.
Why goat’s milk in particular?
If it’s so popular today, it’s because goat’s milk also combines a host of crazy active ingredients for our skin, impossible to find in water, including lactic acid and caprylic acid. The first has a comedolytic effect on the skin, i.e. it effectively combats blackheads and other impurities, while the second naturally rebalances the skin’s PH. When making goat’s milk soap by hand, the biggest challenge is to preserve the active ingredients at all costs.
Which one to use?
To ensure that the milk retains its benefits for the skin, it is essential to use fresh, raw milk. Gone, then, are the powdered milks generally adored by manufacturers for their ease of handling and storage. Numerous studies have shown that when dehydrated and reduced to powder, goat’s milk loses all its benefits for the skin. And forget room-temperature or, worse still, heated milks: they react badly with the soda used in solid soaps, leaving behind an unpleasant odour. For a good goat’s milk soap to produce the desired effects, the milk must be raw, liquid, cold and freshly harvested.
Is this the only way to be sure of obtaining a good goat’s milk soap?
Not yet… The milk also has to be organic and ethically raised. Many breeders practice intensive farming, which is obviously not conducive to the well-being of the animals, who will therefore produce milk of poorer quality.
Finally, you need to pay close attention to the right percentage of milk concentration in the soap to prevent it from liquefying on first use under hot water, and combine the milk with vegetable oils that are also natural and organic, otherwise the approach makes no sense.
The benefits of goat’s milk soap
Goat’s milk cosmetics are far from new. It is said that Empress Sissi used to immerse herself in a bath of goat’s milk to maintain her beautiful skin, giving this liquid a precious, luxurious connotation. At the time, we still didn’t know just how right Sissi was…
1. Goat’s milk soap: a supercharged cocktail
A, B1, B6, B12, C, D, E, copper, selenium, zinc, iron, amino acids, antioxidants, enzymes, citric acids, fatty acids and more! Goat’s milk is truly full of excellent ingredients for the body and skin. Using a goat’s milk soap inevitably means doing your skin good, keeping it healthy and repairing it if necessary. It also penetrates the epidermis more easily and rapidly, delivering all its nutrients to our tissues.
2. An excellent barrier against impurities
Goat’s milk soap acts as a real protective barrier for our skin, helping our healthy bacteria to fight off daily pollution. It therefore has the power to remove impurities without stripping the rest. Thanks to its exfoliating properties, it also cleanses the skin of dead cells and pores of any excess sebum or dirt. Last but not least, the most magical property of all: goat’s milk soap is antimicrobial, so acne and psoriasis don’t have to worry about it…
3. Goat’s milk as a powerful anti-ageing agent
Over the years, our skin loses its elasticity and cell renewal becomes slower. The result: wrinkled, often very dry skin that’s not always pretty. That was before I discovered goat’s milk cosmetics… Thanks to its fatty acids, goat’s milk soap deeply rehydrates the skin, restoring the epidermal lipid barrier and restoring radiance. Smoother, firmer, more luminous skin, all over the long term – it’s a dream come true! Obviously, the idea is not to stop the effects of time on our bodies, but if you want to at least delay the effects, you now know how!
4. An anti-cancer ally
Incredible but true, regular use of goat’s milk soap could prevent skin cancer. In fact, the selenium present in goat’s milk cosmetics protects the skin from harmful UV rays, again like a shield. You’re not guaranteed eternal health, but it’s a good start to taking care of yourself and preventing potential skin diseases.
Does O’Naturalis also use goat’s milk?
Of course! It would be a shame to deprive ourselves of the benefits of goat’s milk soap. Our goat’s milk-based cold-saponified solid soaps are made with milk from Ferme Lamberty, in Petit-Thier, near Vielsalm. We fell in love with their philosophy: healthy, accessible products that respect the environment and animals, and that don’t pass through any intermediaries.
Thanks to their production, O’Naturalis was finally able to start making goat’s milk soap. The result is O’Gatte, a gentle soap enriched with calendula macerate, made from raw organic goat’s milk and honey.
Is it possible to eat goat’s milk every day?
Absolutely! Goat’s milk soap is suitable for all areas of the body, even the face, which often requires special treatment, and is perfect for daily washing. So don’t hesitate to replace your usual soap or shower gel with a solid goat’s milk soap, which combines a number of advantages. Test our O’Gatte for a month and you’ll already notice the product’s beneficial effects 😉