We often have painful memories of nettles, of falling in the garden when we were children. So nettle, and a stinging one at that… Not exactly what you’re looking for in a soap! It may not sound like the stuff of dreams, but it offers many benefits, most of them unsuspected. How can it help us care for our skin and hair? An overview of the good reasons to opt for products made from stinging nettle.
Why choose stinging nettle for our cosmetics?
There are many varieties in the nettle family. In all, some thirty species sting, burn and irritate across the globe. In Europe, there are two main plants: stinging nettle and stinging nettle, also known as ” urtica dioica ” (from the Latin urere, meaning to burn…), or stinging nettle. The latter is used in a variety of sectors: agriculture, as a fertilizer for example, medicine, and now also in cosmetics. In fact, once carefully harvested, then thoroughly dried and ground into powder, it possesses numerous virtues that will enable us to treat our everyday problems quickly and naturally.
What does stinging nettle contain?
The benefits of nettle have been known and praised around the world for many years. It is said to have diuretic and anti-inflammatory properties. Nettle also helps combat rheumatism and improves blood circulation. Some studies go so far as to suggest that it could prove useful in controlling blood sugar levels. An obviously interesting prospect for people suffering from diabetes…
But what exactly does it hide behind its nasty little stinging hairs?
Beneath this protective layer lie vitamins – in particular vitamins A, B, C and E – as well as active ingredients, minerals, calcium, iron and magnesium… in short, a host of very interesting components for numerous applications. And the cosmetics industry has understood this.
How can stinging nettle help us take care of ourselves?
A remedy for oily or very sensitive skin
Used in soap, stinging nettle powder is a real asset for caring for and repairing all skin types. Starting with oily or acne-prone skin. In fact, it purifies, eliminates toxins, present in large numbers due to pollution, and purifies for healthy skin.
Do you have sensitive or atopic skin? Nettle can also help! Thanks to its anti-inflammatory action, this green magician soothes all redness and itching for soothed skin.
A natural solution for hair
Nettle can also work miracles for our hair. Thanks to its purifying action, it helps regulate sebum production. This makes it a real ally for hair with oily tendencies. This will help you regain healthy hair and space out your shampoos. For people with sensitive scalps, nettle’s purifying action will also help reduce dandruff and counter hair loss.
And in the O’Naturalis range?
At O’Naturalis, we’re convinced of its purifying and beneficial effects on the skin, so we didn’t hesitate for a second before adding a little nettle powder to some of our soaps. Want to test the benefits of nettle on your skin? Opt for our little ” O’laf“. In addition to the benefits of nettle, we’ve added hemp oil, an ingredient rich in essential fatty acids, omega 3 and 6, and vitamin E. Together, they help renew your skin’s protective hydrolipidic film, balancing moisture and restoring elasticity. Together, they contribute to renewing your skin’s protective hydrolipidic film, balancing hydration and restoring elasticity. A small concentrate of effectiveness that offers an answer to most skin problems, to discover below.