Maximize your savings with the O’Naturalis loyalty program
At O’Naturalis, we believe that loyalty should be rewarded. That’s why we’ve created a loyalty program that gives you discounts on future purchases. Here’s how it works.
For every euro you pay on our website, you earn one loyalty point. For example, an order of €42.50 will earn you 42 points, while an order of €36.20 will earn you 36 points. These points accumulate in your customer account until you decide to use them.
When you’re ready to use your points, you can convert them into customer credit. Each 10 points equals €1. So if you’ve accumulated 42 points, you can get a €4.20 credit towards future purchases.
This means that our loyalty program is equivalent to a 10% discount on your previous orders – a significant advantage!
To check your loyalty points balance and see the history of your earnings and use of points, simply go to your Customer Account and click on “My Points”. Here you can convert your points into customer credit, which can be used towards a future order. Find out more about managing your customer account here.
You can also choose to redeem your points directly at checkout.
How do I convert my loyalty points when paying for an order?
After validating your basket, on the checkout page, above the subtotal, you’ll see a heading “Apply loyalty discounts”. Click on the small arrow (the “>” symbol) to the left of “Redeem points for store credit”.

Enter the number of points you want to use and click on the “Exchange” button.

The euro value of the points redeemed (10 points = €1) is immediately deducted from your order total, under “Pay with store credit”.

And this order entitles you to new points that you can use for your next order…
Make the most of your O’Naturalis purchases by taking advantage of our loyalty program. It’s our way of thanking you for choosing O’Naturalis for your favorite natural products!